“The American Quarter of the Globe Seemed to be Preserved in Providence…” Samuel Sherwood, 1776

by Mark Case
The American Quarter of the Globe

American Pastor Samuel Sherwood was considered one of the greatest and most important preachers of the American Revolution era. 

You may recall that many who came over from England to the new American shores were Protestant Christians escaping persecutions and burdens hard to bear, placed upon their backs by the State Church, as well as by the Roman Catholic religion. 

Much like the Children of Israel who cried out to God under the burden of Egypt’s Pharaoh (whose prayers were answered through Moses and the Land of Canaan), the Dissenters, as well as other Christian outcasts, cried out to God for somewhere to live in liberty. Their prayers were answered through many of the Founding Fathers of America and the newly discovered American Continent. 

Oxford Academic writes: “Most of the colonists who came to the American colonies during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were from England, including significant numbers of protestant Dissenters. Three Dissenting groups in particular — the Presbyterians, the Quakers, and the Baptists — flourished in the New World.” 

In that context, Pastor Samuel Sherwood, of the Northfield Congregational Church in Weston, Connecticut, delivered a message on January 17, 1776, titled:  


His Biblical text was Revelation 12:14-17, where the Apostle John has a vision which included the people of God being led away from persecution into a “Wilderness” place for His divine protection. 

Throughout his sermon, Pastor Sherwood likened their situation to that vision. The following is a tiny, but meaningful, excerpt from that message: 

“This American quarter of the globe seemed to be reserved in providence, as a fixed and settled habitation for God’s church, where she might have property of her own, and the right of rule and government, so as not to be controlled and oppressed in her civil and religious liberties, by the tyrannical and persecuting power of the earth, represented by the great red dragon. 

“The church never before this had prime occupancy, or first possession of any part of this terraqueous globe, in any great extent of territory. In all countries and kingdoms wherever Christianity had been planted, before its introduction into this American wilderness, the ruling powers in possession of property, and right of jurisdiction and dominion, were in opposition to this benevolent institution; and the church had to make her way through the greatest possible difficulties and dangers. 

“While thus in an enemy’s land, her persecutions and oppressions, her bloody trials and sufferings furnish out the chief subject of her history from her beginning to the present day, in other parts of the world, from which she is not wholly exempted in this. 

“However, her degree of peace and quiet rest has been greater than she has ever known since she has had existence and being. When that God, to whom the earth belongs, and the fullness thereof, brought his church into this wilderness, as on eagles wings, by his kind, protecting providence, he gave this good land to her, to be her own lot and inheritance forever. 

“He planted her as a pleasant and choice vine; and drove out the heathen before her. He has tenderly nourished and cherished her in her infant state, and protected and preserved her amidst innumerable dangers. He has done wonders in his providence for our fathers, and for us their sinful posterity: ‘They and we have many a time stood still and seen the salvation of the Lord.'” 

In agreement with Samuel Sherwood and hundreds of other outspoken pastors who proclaimed freedom throughout the era of America’s birth: 

  • God held the land of the USA in reserve for His own people and for His name’s sake in the world. 
  • God blessed America in every way, richly, for His own people and for His name’s sake in the world. 
  • God has preserved America this long for His own people and for His name’s sake in the world. 
  • God will not allow the United States of America to come to an end until He is ready. It’s all up to Him. 
  • God has a plan and timetable for America and the world. Clearly, that time for bringing all things to a close is very, very near. 

Do not put your trust in the strength of any man or woman, not in the Congress, nor in the State in any case – and certainly not in our strong military. One day, God is going to “fold up the earth like a garment and put it aside” (Hebrews 1:10-14 NKJV). 

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7 NKJV). 

“Seek the LORD while He may be found,  

​​Call upon Him while He is near. 

​​Let the wicked forsake his way, 

​​And the unrighteous man his thoughts; 

​​Let him return to the LORD, 

​​And He will have mercy on him; 

​​And to our God, 

​​For He will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7 NKJV). 

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