Everything that is going on… whether in your neighborhood, your local church, across the country, or around the world… is a part of God’s doing. Ultimately, it’s not about America, and it’s certainly not about President Trump, though God is surely using both him and America for good. The bigger picture here is that God is doing a purging, cleansing work among His own people before Jesus comes to take His bride away to safety, followed by His judging the world for sin.
Remember the tares among the wheat (Matt.13:24-30)? Think of it this way: both good and evil exist on earth, and the spirit of this world represents evil. In many cases, the good compromises with the spirit of this world. Eventually, evil becomes so cunningly invasive for so long that it influences every sector of society – some sectors completely, and some sectors in part. Even Christians, our churches, and Christian institutions are badly compromised by twisted theology, by secularism, by humanitarianism, by philosophy, by religious forms, even by the doctrines of demons, etc. – again, some compromised completely, and some only in part. Then, God allows evil to foment like never before. Evil becomes SO bold and so overwhelming that it begins to challenge the good in society as never before. Even families divide over good and evil.
Those of us who are born of God’s Holy Spirit begin to see evil for what it really is and begin to separate ourselves from it in a way that we’ve not done before. Those born of God’s Spirit begin to grow stronger in His righteousness; consequently, we grow stronger in Him. THIS IS WHEN REAL SPIRITUAL MATURITY STARTS TO SHOW UP. HALLELUJAH! Those born of God’s Spirit stand out as if we are from another kingdom (HIS) like God has wanted us to stand out all along; but for all these centuries we’ve compromised. At some point, the Father will send His Son to receive His Bride out of the world, followed by His wrath poured out on the world for its evil – having rejected His Son. THAT’S THE BIG PICTURE OF WHAT’S GOING ON TODAY. If that is the case, the evil we see today will continue to abound, and the divide between those who do know the Lord and those who do not know Him will become MUCH greater. Again, this is the Lord’s doing. “Choose you this day, whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15).
God has raised up President Donald Trump… whom, though flawed like all of us, He has chosen for this hour. Whatever happens is up to God, and we know that God wants us to pray for His will. Consider the following possibilities:
- God is using Donald Trump to represent the good on the Right through this unprecedented war of evil versus good, when God is using the presidential campaign as a catalyst for that…but God may not allow him to become president again. In this case, I think end-time judgments will accelerate over the next few months without any notable pause.
- God is using him for good in this end-time divide, but also God will allow him to become president again and lead us into a brief season of God’s grace and mercy just before the end-time final judgment.
- God is using him for good in this end-time divide, and after becoming president again, God will use him to provide good leadership for a short season while we rapidly move into end-time judgments.
In any case, we should know that we are headed straight into end-time judgments.
May God be glorified, and may God cause His glory to shine through us as this great divide between good and evil races to new heights.