The Current Anti-American Wordology War Against the Right Is Orwell’s textbook “Newspeak”

by Mark Case

Many are pointing at the RADICAL LEFT agenda today as a fulfillment of George Orwell’s book, 1984.  The main theme of his dystopian fictional novel was to warn its readers about the dangers of a future Authoritarian or Totalitarian rule.   

About 1984, writes: 

“George Orwell’s 1984 is a defining  example of dystopian fiction in that it envisions a future where society  is in decline, totalitarianism has created vast inequities, and innate  weaknesses of human nature keep the characters in a state of conflict  and unhappiness.  Unlike utopian novels, which hold hope for the perfectibility of man and  the possibility of a just society, dystopian novels like 1984 imply that the human race will only get worse if man’s lust for power and capacity for cruelty go uncorrected.” 

I believe you would agree with me that the era we’re living in is well on its way to becoming exactly that.  It should be frightful, indeed, for all those whose lord is not the Lord of lords. 

I want to give attention to a particular word Orwell coined in his novel that gives more evidence to the 1984 world of today.   That word is, “Newspeak.” 

Here’s what the Merriam Webster Dictionary has to say about it: 

“The term newspeak was coined by George Orwell in his 1949 anti-utopian novel 1984.  In Orwell’s fictional totalitarian state, Newspeak was a language favored by the minions of Big Brother and, in Orwell’s words, ‘designed to diminish the range of thought.’  Newspeak was characterized by the elimination or alteration of certain words, the substitution of one word for another, the interchangeability of parts of speech, and the creation of words for political purposes.  The word has caught on in general use to refer to confusing or deceptive bureaucratic jargon.” 

Orwell clearly believed that words would be very powerful instruments when used skillfully by people in power.  Notice how Webster broke it down: 

  • the elimination or alteration of certain words; 
  • the substitution of one word for another; 
  • the interchangeability of parts of speech; 
  • the creation of words for political purposes;  
  • the confusing or deceptive bureaucratic jargon. 

That’s exactly one of the manipulating, war-for-power tactics the LEFT uses today. 

They hijack well-known words that imply something good to the average person and, over time, redefine the word itself through its misuse. 

After I started writing this article, I discovered another article In The Federalist on the same subject.  It’s a great article, much longer than this one, but worth the read if you have time. 

A few examples of words hijacked and redefined by the LEFT include: 

  • “Progressive” – They call themselves progressives, as if to say they are improving life; but they’ve misused it so many times now by attaching it to their ancient, heathen-age agenda that the Right hardly uses the word at all anymore. 
  • “Pro-Choice” –  That sounds good on the surface, but it literally means giving a pregnant woman the right to murder her own child while still in the womb.  
  • “Protection” and “Affordable” – Remember “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” which soon turned into Obamacare?  According to Forbes, “These reforms were clearly improvements on the current system, but they came with a price and didn’t bend the cost curve or improve health outcomes.”  Obamacare started out super cheap for millions of Americans.  That helped make the sell; but within a few years it went straight up.  It also threw the medical industry loopy, costing another fortune that the average American was forced to pay. So much of the medical/insurance world is scandalous though, so I guess they deserve each other; but we are the ones who pay the consequences.  It is what it is. 

There are many more words and phrases that the LEFT has maligned to fit Orwell’s “Newspeak” category, such as:  

  • “Justice” – When the LEFT uses it, it means retribution, vindication, etc.   
  • “Misspoke” – A friendly substitute for lying since they are caught for doing it so often.  
  • “Hate” – This is a convenient word for the LEFT to redefine when someone, anyone, doesn’t agree with their rationale, or their cause.  
  • “Nationalist” – Another convenient word for them to use to redefine someone as a fascist (someone who is authoritarian or dictatorial), when that someone simply loves their country and is willing to defend it.  

I’m sure you can think of several yourself.  

Let’s not fall prey to the masses, but rather be critical thinkers.  It really isn’t hard.  One equals death, the other life.  It’s worth the effort. 

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