Hear, O Israel! To you, Jesus said, “Repent and believe the gospel!” Today is the day of salvation!

by Mark Case
Hear, O Israel

Out of the gate, let me say that I AM NOT Anti-ISRAEL. 

I’ve always taken a literal view of the scriptures regarding Israel’s coming redemption. There’s no doubt about that. And while I do pray for Israel, as well as for God’s mercy on her enemies (Jesus said to pray for our enemies), I’m not the slightest bit concerned that she’s going down in flames.  

The Prophet Zechariah reveals that at some point Jerusalem will be divided, so we can expect some very difficult times ahead. None of these wars against Israel should be thought of lightly, but neither should we be afraid. The Lord has made his future plans for Israel abundantly clear 

My concern is that Israel has clearly rejected the gospel, and many in Israel have become as immorally decadent as the people of any other nation. But Evangelicals tip toe around Israel’s lost estate while calling everyone else to repent or perish. 

Is it not doing an injustice to Israel when we do not call them to repentance like we do everyone else in the world?  

Is it not interesting that when America took the 9/11 hit (Sept. 11, 2001), killing 2,977 innocent Americans, Evangelicals in America and around the world called the whole nation to repentance;  

… but when Israel was attacked on Oct. 7, 2023, where approx. 1,200 innocent Israelis were murdered, Evangelicals in America were completely silent about the egregiously sinful modern Jewish culture in Israel, and no leading American Christian dared to speak about the awful nature of the music festival where 364 died (including law enforcement and others). 

Evangelicals did not call for Israel to repent nor say that she was under God’s judgment – but only that Israel has a promise from God, and that we must stand behind her whatever the costs. 


  1. America’s 9/11 resulted in 2,977 innocent-life deaths. Christians demanded that America repent, that we’re under God’s judgment. 
  2. Israel’s Oct. 7 resulted in approximately 1,200 innocent-life deaths. Christians demanded that all salute Israel, while not daring to call Israel to repent of their equally egregious sinful state. 

Something’s not right about this picture. 

If someone reading this can correct me in this matter, I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Seriously. 

American Evangelical Christians, in particular, are so pro-Israel that the vast majority wouldn’t dare call her to repent; and would rebuke anyone else for doing so.  

Do Evangelicals not realize that, while they pander to Israel despite her great immorality, those who die will be lost in torment for eternity? 

Do Evangelicals not realize that, while they pander to Israel despite the fact that they openly deny Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah, those who die will be lost in torment for eternity? 

A misguided understanding about God’s love for Israel and His promised future restoration for her has driven the vast majority of Evangelical Christians to dare not call her people to repentance! 

It is quite Biblical to support Israel for several reasons, especially because God calls us to pray for them and for the eventual peace that will come to Jerusalem through Jesus Christ; but it is not Biblical to fail to call Israel to repent of sins, especially the sin of unbelief. 

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus and the apostles continually called unbelieving Jews to repent. 

Where does the Bible tell us that was to cease? 

The Apostle Paul called sharply Israel to repent, even going so far as to say to the churches of Galatia that anyone whopreaches another gospelthan that of Jesus Christ should be accursed! His primary targets for this condemnation were the Judaizers who refused to believe on Jesus Christ and who sought to keep Jews in their self-righteous Judaism. How is it any different today? 

Biblically speaking, Christians need to be at least as outspoken about calling Israel (Jews) to repent and believe the gospel as we are about calling Americans or anyone else in the world to repentance. 

To call Israel to repent of all kinds of debauchery, and of self-righteousness too, is not also to be anti-Israel. 

To read how Paul calls Jews (Israel) to repentance (sharply), despite their blindness, see Romans chapters 1, 2, and 3, as well as what Peter says in Acts chapter 2. Read throughout the rest of the book of Acts to see where it was the unbelieving Jews who sought to destroy the gospel of Jesus Christ and to kill the Apostle Paul.  

Read II Corinthians, II Peter 2, and the little book of Jude. The New Testament is filled with sharp rebuke to unbelieving Jews. 

Israel, repent of your evil ways – of your debauchery, of your gross immorality; and you Orthodox Jews of Israel, repent of your self-righteousness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, your Messiah, or you too will all reap the same eternal damnation in hell that everyone else does. 

This is the point. 

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